What's Your Vision?

In Dec of 2023 I fell down some stairs and, as a result, had extreme mobility challenges. Though our bedroom is on the second floor I slept downstairs on the couch or would have my husband guide me down the stairs before he left for work as I wasn't able to get up and down on my own. My spirits were extremely low, I was in a significant amount of pain, and everything seemed stuck - physically and emotionally. I want to reach back in time and give that girl a hug.
January came and I always create time for our Erin's Faces team to make a vision board. Mine was full of pictures of the sky - 14 of the 15 pictures I chose all had sky in them. I didn't know it then, but looking back I think I longed for upliftment - literally and figuratively. I wanted to be pulled up and out of my physical reality which felt slow and stagnant. I looked at the soothing images on my board every day that I was in the office. It helped (and I got better and moving around just fine a few months later) and served me when manufacturing challenges came up during the year.

I went to replace it this year with the vision board I just created for 2025 and was struck with how different they are. This year, almost everything is literally grounded, covered in green things growing and flowers blooming. As I looked at magazine pages I had ripped out and saved, I noticed a theme of pathways - and nearly all of the photos I chose for my board have a literal path in them. Leading to somewhere. And this year I can walk!
I just think it's interesting how we can be the same human and be inspired by totally different things one year to the next!
I'm also usually led by music as I'm putting my vision board together. In 2024 I kept hearing the chorus to This Low from The Swell Season which is all about "light" (hello sky!).
And this year the song that keeps coming to me is Tracy Chapman's I'm Ready which tracks if you're about to walk down a path -
While the words "I'm ready" feel a little aggressive - what if not all of me feels 100% ready for whatever path I'm going down? - this is for a "vision" board - the higher sense, the elevated view that has only my best interest and abundant optimism. That's what I'm telling myself anyhow 😊.
I hope if you need sky, the clouds open up and you can see the expanse of possibilities. And if you need pathways they appear before you, leading you towards goodness. Sending love, light and a hope for guidance in 2025 🩷✨.
Donia – thank you 💚I know you understand that more than most. I’m grateful (very) to be up and about again. And yes – love Pinterest vision boards! And old school ones as well :) xo
Oh my goodness, Erin, while I didn’t know about your fall I know exactly how disheartening mobility issues can be. Most days my view is of my ceiling, and I literally daydream about having a bed that can move outside in dry weather so I can stare up at the sky…
I love that you have a “Vision Board Day” at your company, and hope your abundant garden path dreams come true (I use Pinterest for my secret Vision Boards but it would be so fun to be able to do it the old school way!).Sending love and hugs to you for the coming year 💜
Meryl – thank you so much – sending love back!
Daniel – thank you :)
Betsy – I love you so much back 🩷 – thank you for reading this and for your support xoxo
Nancy – thank you so much! Wishing you the best too :)!
Hope you are well now Erin. Sending love always, Meryl
So interesting, thanks for sharing.
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